Unable to access windows share on server 2012 R2




Server Name : ERPServer | IP:

Server is part of a workgroup not a domain



I am unable to access the windows share from any PC on the network by server name or IP.

And for some reason, even on the server, I am only able to see the shared folders when I explore by server name only i.e. //ERPserver however if I use the IP address I get the Windows Cannot Access \\ 192.... error.

Below error is the same error I get when trying to access the shares from any other PC.

From the server, I am able to access shares on other PCs on the network.

I am able to ping and other PCs are also pingable from the server

I am able to connect to the server by name an IP via RDP

I suspected that some malware has modified some registry settings or some other setting, ran MalwareBytes and found a a few things. RESULTS ATTACHED

Troubleshooting steps done so far from various forums:

  • Connection type is Private
  • Network Discovery is turned on. (When the problem started this was turned off, even after turning on and saving changes it was reverting to off). this was fixed by the next step
  • Below services were not started or set to start automatically. That issue is resolved
    • DNS Client

Function Discovery Resource Publication

SSDP Discovery

UPnP Device Host

Computer Browser



  • File and Printer Sharing is allowed through Firewall
    • Note: All troubleshooting steps also tested while firewall is turned off as well
  • Client for Microsoft Networks is installed
  • Provider Order settings

  • Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP. (Changed back to Default later on)
  • FlushDNS
  • Changed server name, Changed the assigned IP.
  • Checked Hosts file. (It has not been modified)

Any ideas what could be causing this? Any other troubleshooting steps I can take.


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