Interference from Downloading/Up-Loading



For the last 3 years the following problem has been going on to where my productivity has dropped to 1/4 of what it should be. I'm just getting around to asking for help directly as I tried a lot other avenues to no avail. The main reason for the delay is my & I were both diagnosed with Cancer a month apart in 2018. We've been battling it along with trying to stay above water with everything else.

Ever since I up graded to Windows 10 we have had this problem most of the time. Just like now it will take me along time to type out this email. I consistently have to re-type or key stroke characters because my computer freezes along with my courser. I have noticed that when this happens that my PC light indicates constant activity (as when up-loading or downloading is going on) though I have stopped typing. I have even suspended Windows updates for 7 days & it still continues to happen. I still get the "We have up-dated your Windows program" notices during this time. This problem is consistently accruing on my Desktop & Laptop. It's same-o, same-o on my wife's Laptop & her new Surface PC as well.

Please respond to this request for help in some manner or you leave no choice than to switch to some other data processing system.

Thank you in advance for your time & effort in this matter.


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