PDC can not sync time via NTP



Hello everyone,

I'm struggling with a big problem. This morning I realized that all my clients a running with wrong time. Time sync within my domain works fine - the PDC refuses to sync time with external time servers. My PDC is a Win 2012 VM running on a 2019 S2D Cluster. Time synchronization with the HV is disabled. All HVs a recieving the wrong time from my DCs.

Time difference is approximately minus 8 hrs. My PDC tell me its time source would be "Local CMOS clock". NTP was configured before und worked without problems. So I tried to reconfigre my time service:

w32tm.exe /config /manualpeerlist:"0.de.pool.ntp.org 1.de.pool.ntp.org 2.de.pool.ntp.org 3.de.pool.ntp.org" /syncfromflags:manual /reliable:YES /update
net stop win32time && net start win32time

It seems that the NTP client recieves no (valid) data. Example output from the W32TimeDebug log:

153149 03:20:06.4972712s - AddNewPendingPeer: manual
153149 03:20:06.4972712s - Polling peer 2.de.pool.ntp.org (ntp.m|0x0|>
153149 03:20:06.4972712s - PeerPollingThread: PeerListUpdated
153149 03:20:06.4972712s - Sending packet to 2.de.pool.ntp.org (ntp.m|0x0|> in Win2K detect mode, stage 1.
153149 03:20:06.4972712s - PeerPollingThread: waiting 0.109s
153149 03:20:06.4972712s - No response from peer 2.de.pool.ntp.org (ntp.m|0x0|>
153149 03:20:06.4972712s - 5 Age:0 Ofs:+00.0000000s Dly:+00.0000000s RDly:+00.0000000s Dsp:16.0000000s RDsp:00.0000000s Pnt:00.0096468s Dst:16.0096468s FDsp:08.0000000s
153149 03:20:06.4972712s - 4 Age:3 Ofs:+00.0000000s Dly:+00.0000000s RDly:+00.0000000s Dsp:16.0000000s RDsp:00.0000000s Pnt:00.0096460s Dst:16.0096460s FDsp:12.0000000s
153149 03:20:06.4972712s - 3 Age:2 Ofs:+00.0000000s Dly:+00.0000000s RDly:+00.0000000s Dsp:16.0000000s RDsp:00.0000000s Pnt:00.0096460s Dst:16.0096460s FDsp:14.0000000s
153149 03:20:06.4972712s - 2 Age:1 Ofs:+00.0000000s Dly:+00.0000000s RDly:+00.0000000s Dsp:16.0000000s RDsp:00.0000000s Pnt:00.0096460s Dst:16.0096460s FDsp:15.0000000s
153149 03:20:06.4972712s - 1 Age:4 Ofs:+00.0000000s Dly:+00.0000000s RDly:+00.0000000s Dsp:16.0000000s RDsp:00.0000000s Pnt:00.0089056s Dst:16.0089056s FDsp:15.5000000s
153149 03:20:06.4972712s - 0 Age:5 Ofs:+00.0000000s Dly:+00.0000000s RDly:+00.0000000s Dsp:16.0000000s RDsp:00.0000000s Pnt:00.0044456s Dst:16.0044456s FDsp:15.7500000s
153149 03:20:06.4972712s - Logging information: NtpClient has not received response from server 2.de.pool.ntp.org (ntp.m|0x0|>
153149 03:20:06.4972712s - Logging information: NtpClient: No response has been received from manual peer 2.de.pool.ntp.org (ntp.m|0x0|> after 8 attempts to contact it. This peer will be discarded as a time source and NtpClient will attempt to discover a new peer from which to synchronize.

If I run the stripchart command I can see a big offset:

C:\Windows\system32>w32tm /stripchart /computer:de.pool.ntp.org /dataonly
Tracking de.pool.ntp.org [].
The current time is 23.04.2020 05:45:36.
05:45:36, +32723.4797195s
05:45:38, +32723.4729284s

My time zone is correctly set:

C:\Windows\system32>w32tm /tz
Time zone: Current:TIME_ZONE_ID_DAYLIGHT Bias: -60min (UTC=LocalTime+Bias)
[Standard Name:"W. Europe Standard Time" Bias:0min Date:(M:10 D:5 DoW:0)]
[Daylight Name:"W. Europe Daylight Time" Bias:-60min Date:(M:3 D:5 DoW:0)]

My current config looks like this:

C:\Windows\system32>w32tm /query /configuration /verbose

EventLogFlags: 2 (Local)
AnnounceFlags: 5 (Local)
TimeJumpAuditOffset: 28800 (Local)
MinPollInterval: 6 (Local)
MaxPollInterval: 10 (Local)
MaxNegPhaseCorrection: 172800 (Local)
MaxPosPhaseCorrection: 172800 (Local)
MaxAllowedPhaseOffset: 300 (Local)

FrequencyCorrectRate: 4 (Local)
PollAdjustFactor: 5 (Local)
LargePhaseOffset: 50000000 (Local)
SpikeWatchPeriod: 900 (Local)
LocalClockDispersion: 10 (Local)
HoldPeriod: 5 (Local)
PhaseCorrectRate: 7 (Local)
UpdateInterval: 100 (Local)

FileLogName: c:\EventLogs\W32Time\w32time.log (Local)
FileLogEntries: 0-116 (Local)
FileLogSize: 10000000 (Local)
FileLogFlags: 0 (Undefined or NotUsed)


NtpClient (Local)
DllName: C:\Windows\system32\w32time.DLL (Local)
Enabled: 1 (Local)
InputProvider: 1 (Local)
CrossSiteSyncFlags: 0 (Undefined or NotUsed)
AllowNonstandardModeCombinations: 1 (Local)
ResolvePeerBackoffMinutes: 15 (Local)
ResolvePeerBackoffMaxTimes: 7 (Local)
CompatibilityFlags: 2147483648 (Local)
EventLogFlags: 1 (Local)
LargeSampleSkew: 3 (Local)
SpecialPollInterval: 3600 (Local)
Type: NTP (Local)
NtpServer: 0.de.pool.ntp.org 1.de.pool.ntp.org 2.de.pool.ntp.org 3.de.pool.ntp.o
rg (Local)

NtpServer (Local)
DllName: C:\Windows\system32\w32time.DLL (Local)
Enabled: 1 (Local)
InputProvider: 0 (Local)
AllowNonstandardModeCombinations: 1 (Local)
EventLogFlags: 0 (Undefined or NotUsed)

VMICTimeProvider (Local)
DllName: C:\Windows\System32\vmictimeprovider.dll (Local)
Enabled: 1 (Local)
InputProvider: 1 (Local)

I tried many different time servers. I tried it with DNS and IP. It always rejects the responses and falls back to local cmos clock.

I really hope one of you can help me out here...

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