Windows 7 One of the most Unique problems I've seen before (Help Please)



Okay for the past 5 months I have had this PC this PC can not see (Korean, Chinese, or any kind of Asian Language) In applications if the screen see's any of these languages it will close that application.

Using Discord - If I'm to type "/" without any other letters or spaces it will crash, if i type x then / It's fine, If someone in there name has a random symbol that my PC doesn't like It will crash, now the pc hasn't been able to install 4 updates which are these currently


It gets to about 11% then it will say an error down below


Now I've been looking and its been saying for the past 2-3 months "Windows not Genuine" I can see that the windows is genuine from the AOC on the back of my PC also buying a windows 7 key (Again) and putting that one in right now I think i've fixed that error by putting in the key again.

Now all my Graphics Card etc is up to date i've done the updates for all of that. Now a game I play "League of Legends" When putting this in Chinese/Korean It can only see english, as soon as i go to password and it types in korean it will instantly restart and will start breaking my PC will NOT allow any other languages, I've never had these types of problems and I've even paid for IT Experts to look, (letting them on my pc via team viewer) they could not find it which was a waste of time doing the stuff i've already done /sfc check now etc what ever, I've done all of this and it does say there are errors but I cannot fix them, I genuinely need help with this as I can't find anyone having this problem, I don't download anything so I know i don't have malware etc, I literally have google chrome, my games and discord, if anyone could genuinely give me a good answer on how to fix this I'd be very greatful and also impressed because I haven't found one person that can assist me and know what they're doing as of yet. Thank you. If you think you'd be able to help via Discord my discord is - Logic#1482

I also have a Gyazo of what it does when typing "/" or a random language input on discord which is an example but it does this on all applications i've used so far, Discord/My Games etc.

Gyazo , This happens on everything so I know it's not discord because it works in the web browser properly and never had this problem on any other PC. Thank you

I forgot to add downbelow


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