Games are forced to run in Triple buffering mode



Regardless of the setting "Disable fullscreen optimizations" checked or unchecked, games run in Triple buffering mode rather than in Double buffering mode. Take Grand Theft Auto V for instance, the game runs fine in fullscreen mode with Double buffering Vsync until navigated to other applications by pressing "Alt+Tab" and when navigated back to the game, the game is no more running with Double buffering Vsync, which is completely overridden with Triple buffering Vsync instead. The game might look like it is running in Fullscreen mode, but, it actually is not. Toggling between Windowed mode and Fullscreen mode fixes the issue. This issue seems to be completely ignored and many seem to does not care. This leads to inconsistency in input latency, frame pacing and impacts the gaming experience when one is not aware of whether the game is running in actual Fullscreen mode or Borderless windowed mode.

Also, checking "Disable fullscreen optimizations" setting seem to make games run even worse because, no matter what you do like toggling between Windowed mode and Fullscreen mode, the games are forced to run with Triple buffering Vsync. Double buffering Vsync gets completely killed off. Mind you, this affects only when games are running with Vsync enabled obviously. Not sure how it works with it being disabled. Currently, it seems like there is no fix at all unless developers notice this and change the way, the games run.

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