Critical_Stucture_Corruption BSOD while playing Call of Duty: Modern Warefare or PUBG



I built new PC in February (new motherboard, CPU, RAM, and AIO cooler). Afterwards I started playing Player's Unknown Battlegrounds and started bluescreening after one or two matches. The BSOD's were so bad that I reinstalled windows several times to try and wipe out the issue. The problems still did not go away. Later on my chome brower would start freaking out when I tried to watch youtube videos so this led me to believe that I was having a graphics issue. I once again reinstalled windows and replaced my GTX 1080 Ti with a RTX 2080 Ti. I had 1 successfully day of gaming with no crashes then the next day I crashed (BSOD) while playing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. The next day I tried to upload my Memory Dump file to dropbox but failed to do so because upload was so slow. In frustration I deleted the file because I thought the situation was hopeless but later on I realized my router was faulty. The router has since been replaced and I played COD once again to try and replicate the issue and within 20-30 mins I got the Critical_Stucture_Corruption BSOD again. Please help me figure this out. I consider myself knowledgeable or capable when it comes to computers but this is out of my league. Please HELP!!

Link to PC Parts List:

Dropbox link to Memory.dmp file:

Currently using Windows 10 Pro Ver 1909

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