Registry changes reset after restarting PC, but only for some changes. Problem is with PDF command defaults.

  • Thread starter Ryan L Richelson
  • Start date

Ryan L Richelson

Hello. Very quick backstory is we run a web-based software that has an integration program that allows us to open PDFs from this software. It does not currently work unless you open Reader and click to make it the default handler, even if you already have Adobe as your default. I went to the registry to see what was changing by hitting that button, and to see what this protocol handler the software uses was doing. This is all in Windows 10 Enterprise.

In the registry, PDFs are default to open with pdf_auto_file. In HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-3757956179-2065393274-1453109089-153481\Software\Classes\.pdf the default is pdf_auto_file. With this as the default, the software will not open PDFs. If I change this from pdf_auto_file to AcroExch.Document.DC, the software will open PDFs. Changing it here also changes it in HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-3757956179-2065393274-1453109089-153481_Classes\.pdf.

Alternatively, if I go to the linkprotocolhandler.exe that the software uses and attempt to run it, it says the file is associated with "%Program Files%\Adobe\Acrobat Reader DC\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" "%1". I also found this in the registry in HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\pdf_auto_file\shell\Open\command (and also in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes and in the Software\Classes for the two paths listed above) and that data is "%Program Files%\Adobe\Acrobat Reader DC\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" "%1". If I change this to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat Reader DC\Reader\AcroRd32.exe" "%1", the software also works. Changing it in one location changes it in all locations.

So I have two different ways to change the registry to get this software to correctly open PDFs. However, when I reset my PC, these values also reset and PDFs again don't work. So I have to do this change every time I restart my PC. I can't figure out why I can't get these to stick.

In the Advanced Permissions, I am NOT the owner. The owner is an Administrators of my PC name. However I DO have Full Control Access. The type is Allow to This key and subkeys. I have made other changes to my registry when setting the keyboard to have the num lock on when powering on. So I know I can make changes.

Can anybody help me with how to get these changes to stay permanently? In the FileExts\.pdf\OpenWithProgids, both pdf_auto_file and AcroExch.Document.DC are listed, but I don't want to start deleting pdf_auto_file randomly and hope nothing breaks. Thanks for any help and please let me know if you have questions or if something I said doesn't make sense.

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