Old account compromised. Didn't notice until too late. Need help and MS support doesn't have any answers for this.




An old account of mine that I no longer use was hacked and as this is a backup email address I didn't notice until the hacker had already changed the recovery email address to their own. The account email address is still mine so I can initiate the recovery process but it wants to send the recovery code to the hacker's email address which I am of course not going to do.

They are currently in the waiting period to change the email address to their own so I would like to get this handled ASAP but have gotten no help so far from support. Even though I have my full name, date of birth, security question answer, address, etc... this is "not enough information" to recover my account. Further, there is apparently no way to contact a human being through the support website aside from these forums. When I use their virtual assistant it just sends me a link to the page I've already used and says that their wait times are longer than expected but nothing ever happens from that point on (I've waited around 2 hours so far) and the text entry box in the chat window has disappeared so I'm assuming they simply closed the connection.

The recovery page asks me if I've ever bought anything using that account or signed up for Hotmail or Skype and this account is so old I have no clue what any of that information would be anymore so there's really no further information I could give them through that tiny form. I could obviously provide my license, social security card, bills, etc if they asked for them but there's no way I've found to be able to do this.

I don't know what the hacker could actually DO with this account as it's so old any of the information on it would be worthless but I'd rather be safe than sorry. I realize this is my fault for not checking my email and seeing the notifications and for leaving an old account opened but that realization doesn't help me.

Thanks for any assistance.

EDIT: I finally was able to get in touch with a Microsoft employee. Should be ok now.

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