I need help with a problem with my AMD graphic card


radu gh

Hello everyone.


Intel Core i7-4770 Haswell 3,40Ghz

Socket 1150 LGA

Mainboard: Asustek computers, H81M-K

Memory: DDR3,16G
GPU:Sapphire Nitro Radeon R9 380 DDR5, 4G

OS: Windows 10

All started suddenly with a total freez of my PC while I was working. After about 10 minutes I had to force close it.

After restart it went well for about one day and after that started to freeze more often at the point where I couldn't log onto my PC. Couldn't pass login screen.

I scanned the PC for viruses in command line, tried all sort of repairing tools and methods. In the end I had to boot în safe mode and disable all the unloaded devices from the Device Manager.

After that everything worked like a charm. Restarted the PC in normal mode. All went ok. Computer working, display resolution correct.
Next, I went back to Device Manager and started to enable one by one all the disabled items
When I enabled the AMD radeon card on device manage, PC went în blue screen with this message: “Thread stuck in device driver”

I decided to have a windows 10 fresh to solve maybe some corrupted files or something else.
After installation the problems was still there so I start to ask myself if I don’t have a hardware problem and not a software one. Precisely, that my card is dying.
Now I have my display connected to my GPU through HDMI cable and it is working very well if I don’t enable the radeon card in the Device Manager. If I do that my pc crash with blue screen. and a message.
On one of the crashes the message was: “Page Fault In Nonpaged Area” but after that it went back to the:“Thread stuck in device driver” where it is now
I opened up the PC case and looked at my video card to see if it is working and the fans are rotating. Not very often but still moving. tried to play witcher 3 to force the card to se what happens but the fans weren’t moving to fast
I am not sure if it is the end of my graphic card or not. If you can help me to figure out I will highly appreciate

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