Video freezing/running very slowly



This appears to be an odd problem that I just can't find a solution to

When streaming videos (Youtube, Netflix and even Steam) they'll, seemingly, randomly slow down to about 1 frame per second or slower, the audio also reduces to single clicks, pretty much running a the same speed as the video. Some videos will run fine and others will last a second or two. Refreshing the video clears the problem but it may or may not pop up again in the same video. It appears to occur most often when the mouse is moved during video streaming but that doesn't always need to happen.

Things I have checked

It's not a bandwidth or buffering issue (from what I can tell anyway), there are multiple PC's in my house and none of them have the same issue. I also have a very reliable 320Mbit cable connection.

Windows 10 is up to date, installed on it's own SSD

All drivers are up to date, including clean GPU drivers and audio drivers

It affects Chrome, Firefox, Steam and Netflicks. VLC does not appear to be affected when running videos saved on the HDD (I haven't checked it with Media player)

I've tried uninstalling all browser extensions and third party software apps (Steel series Engine 3 for my head phones and Logitech G Hub for mouse and keyboard)

I've uninstalled Flash Player completely

Tried runnig with my AV disabled (Norton)

It affects all of the accounts on my PC (Wife and kids)

I've ran sfc /ScanNow - no errors were found

I've tried a different mouse as that appears to be the most common denominator for the slow downs, didn't help

Games all run fine although Dungeons 3 did appear to have this issue on occasion (I'm an old Dungeon Keeper fan, don't shoot me), I have no idea what that uses for video play back but could be a pointer.

All system clocks have been reset to default (I did have a bit of overclocking applied to the CPU and GPU)

Chrome needs the page refreshed, sometimes a few times, but Firefox will recover from pausing the video and then playing again.

Things I'm not sure of

Could it be a codec issue? How can I check that?

Is there a common (or uncommon) Windows bug that could cause this?

Could it be hardware related? I'd find that odd given that games are far more system intensive than video streaming.

Basic System specs

Windows 10, i7 6850K, RTX 2080 Super, 64GB Ram

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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