My HP 8GB Laptop is Hanging a lot!!

  • Thread starter Sarabjeet Kaur Kohli
  • Start date

Sarabjeet Kaur Kohli

I downloaded and installed VLC Media Player the day before yesterday, and from Yesterday my PC is hanging a lot...

I saw crosses in a black background in the apps icon rather than their original icons...

After using my Laptop for 4 or 5 hours I shutdown it and it was pretty fast.

After 2 or 3 hours I again started it and Boot took time longer than original...

There was a black screen in which I can move the cursor but I couldn't see anything, after 2 mins. I saw the normal login screen but its response was pretty slow and my login time was also slow which took a minute or two.

After this I again saw a black screen with nothing on it... and after 2 mins I was able to see my desktop.

The response time to open any application was very slow, even start would open after 1 minute.

I also ran a DISM/Online/Cleanup-Image/RestoreHealth command but it stopped after 22%.

With this type of hanging I restarted my PC in hope of things getting better but it was worse...

My PC hanged even more, so I was forced to move into Safe mode.

Even Safe mode was slow and unresponsive for some time...

I then ran Windows defender to check for any viruses but even its quick scan was very slow.

I then googled it and found that I should run a SFC/Scannow from Command Prompt. But it showed some errors due to which I again Googled the problem and I found out to type the command chkdsk /r which told me that the drive has been used so Should I use this command after reboot...

Unfortunately, I typed Y and restarted my Laptop.

I saw the operation started and which took 12 hours stuck at 11% and so I was forced to do a Hard Shutdown.

I again started my Laptop after half an hour but my PC was again Hanging a lot... I managed to view reliability history and found out that before rebooting to safe reboot A program called DllHost.exe stopped working.

I tried checking Event Viewer but it was also not working at all.

I checked Task manager for any High CPU USAGE but there wasn't any though my Disk was used at 100% all the time. It also didn't respond after some time due to which a pop up came to close the program.

After that there was a pop up from microsoft windows that the program was not working, so I clicked close the program. Then the screen was black again, I waited for 20 mins but the screen remained black and I was unable to use the cursor or keyboard also.

so I again had to Hard shutdown...

Now I again started my PC and there was again a black screen before login but my lock screen appeared faster than before... after login My all Desktop Icons were nowhere to be seen and after 5 minutes they reappeared.

My Laptop is Hanging but it is very less as compared to the hanging that happened yesterday.

Was there any Virus Problem? or any File is corrupted?

Please help me!!!

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