Restricted Admin Privileges even though I AM THE ADMIN



Okay, I have encountered this issue before and I am quite literally annoyed with Windows now. I own the computer so yes it's a personal computer and I am the sole admin/user of said computer.

So this is nothing new but Windows has this weird lock on the Admin position regardless if you own it or not. It's a programming error where even if you are marked as an Admin it doesn't work (I would assume)

Anyway, I was trying to help out a friend in trying the Quick Assist App provided by Windows. It came back with the following.


A referral was returned from the server.

  1. So then I tried running as administrator same code.
  2. Went into the application and changed all security setting to allow all access. Same code.
  3. I found out to get onto the hidden administrator tried to run it again. Same code.
  4. I tried fixing the Registry and Group Policy on the Hidden Administrator. Same Code.
  5. I effectively turned off/hidden the hidden administrator. Still the same error code.
  6. I tried fixing the Registry and Group Policy on my sole Administrator Account. Still the same error code.
  7. Followed this guy's YouTube video.
    Still the same error code.

Before you ask yes I restarted the comp several times to try and restart the system after each step but still no go.
So now what can I do to fix this? Better question what can I do to make sure I never encounter this issue ever again?

Also, if anybody from Windows sees this. Please pass the word along that this is a consistent issue that many users have. So please fix the messed up programing so your users don't have a hard time using your product.

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