Unable to update windows from version 1803 to anything else




I haven't updated my windows for a year or two at this point since I never had enough disk space and it never was really urgent that I updated. However, recently I've been trying to download an app through the Microsoft store, but in order to download the app, my PC is required to be at least on build 18362 (May 2019 update/Ver. 1903). My build has been on 17134 (April 2018 update/Ver. 1803) for around 2 years at this point, and it seems my computer has tried to update several times previously, but has had different errors every time.

Here's a picture of my Update history:

25d65e9e-4488-472f-94da-2cb7eeeaf375?upload=true.pngI'm not really sure what any of these errors are other than the "0xc1900101" error, as that seems to be the most frequently occurring one. I've tried force-updating through both the Windows Upgrade Assistant AND the Windows Media Creation Tool (From here: Download Windows 10), but neither of them seem to work. Essentially, the process goes as follows: I'll be able to download and install the update through those tools, but as soon as the computer restarts, everything will automatically revert back to the previous update(1803). Sometimes the error message doesn't even pop up, and windows will just start up as if nothing ever happened. When I DO get the error message however, it'll say:

"We couldn't install Windows 10.

We've set your PC back to the way it was just before you started installing Windows 10.

0xC1900101 - 0x20017

The installation failed in the SAFE_OS phase with an error during BOOT operation"

I've googled this, I don't know how many times at this point, and I've gone through almost all of the troubleshooting tips I could find, but nothing seems to work. It's almost like the update is going to go through, and then my computer skips over the update as soon as it restarts, only to revert back to the previous update as soon as it's close to finishing. I've also tried taking it one update at a time by going from 1803 simply to 1809, but that didn't work either, it only gave the same error message. A lot of articles mentioned that the main cause of this is usually Wifi/Bluetooth messing up the update, but I don't think my computer has either of those functionalities, or at least I couldn't find anything related to them in the device manager (I only use Ethernet). I've tried updating the BIOS as well, and it was successful, but still didn't allow me to update. I have at least 40 gigabytes left on my C: drive where Windows is installed, so I doubt space is the issue either.

If it helps, one article I read on how to fix this (Fix Error 0xC1900101 - 0x20017 - We Couldn’t Install Windows 10 - XtremeRain) told me to check the log file and post it here to see if anyone might know what's wrong.

I don't understand any of it, but here was the log file:


Any ideas? Thanks in advance

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