Registry Cleaners Rock!



The average user these days is almost constantly
installing/uninstalling/updating third-party games/applications. Windows
Installer/Uninstaller (including installer/uninstaller programs that come
with the applications and proprietary program removal tools) frequently leave
broken install and incomplete uninstall debris in the OS, much of which can
be found in the registry. If these and other program remnants and incorrect
registry entries are not removed, the registry may try to load any number of
drivers or applications that have been “broken†or have been “uninstalledâ€
and are no longer available to be loaded. This prolongs the time to boot and
to shutdown (sometimes indefinitely), prolongs or prevents application
loading and running once you’ve completed booting, and generates any number
of error messages preventing normal operation of your computer. Another
reason “registry bloat†is a problem is that these program remnants block the
proper installation and functioning of new version updates, similar program
types, and sometimes of unrelated programs.

Because of install/uninstall debris many users are unable to download and
install new versions of commonly used programs such as iTunes/QuickTime,
Roxio/Sonic, and Adobe products (including Reader and Flash) when this is
attempted, the original program they’re trying to update often stops
functioning as well. Antiviral programs such as Norton and McAfee are
notorious for leaving uninstall debris which blocks the proper install and
functioning of other antiviral programs. Eventually, this install/uninstall
debris buildup can block the proper installation and functioning of unrelated
programs, including the normal operation of your computer generating any
number of error messages which may not indicate the source of the real
problem. These error messages may send tech personnel off in all kinds of
directions on a wild goose chase while the real problem (incorrect registry
entries) goes undetected.

Regular maintenance with native programs like Disk Cleanup and other
third-party file cleaners/shredders is essential for normal computer
functioning, but most of these programs will not remove the remnants of
broken programs and failed installs/uninstalls. There is no question that
the right registry cleaner can help remove this debris buildup from the
registry, speed up boot and shutdown operations, promote the normal
functioning of computer programs and permit proper installation processes,
allowing ailing computers to function properly while avoiding a Vista
reinstall. However, preventing this buildup in the first place may be a
better solution. When you want to uninstall a program permanently and before
installing a new version, you should completely remove the old program from
your computer. The usual uninstall measures will frequently not be able to
achieve this by themselves.

You can achieve this manually with the help of Windows Installer Cleanup
Utility, although this can involve time consuming and tedious work (with
potentially serious consequences) identifying program remnants and deleting
files, folders, and registry entries. Alternatively, regular use of programs
like Smarty Uninstaller and Your Uninstaller will prevent the buildup of
install/uninstall debris in your OS and in your registry. Running a scan,
Smarty Uninstaller identifies and lists all programs on your computer and any
broken programs as well. Select the program you wish to uninstall, click on
“Uninstall†to use the associated uninstall program, and allow that program
to complete its actions. Then Smarty Uninstaller will rescan your computer
and identify any remnants of the program scattered over your system.
Clicking on “Cleanupâ€, Smarty Uninstaller will then remove these identified
program remnants from files and folders and from your registry. Your
Uninstaller performs similar operations.

Whether you use a concurrent program like Smarty Uninstaller or Your
Uninstaller to prevent buildup of broken programs and install/uninstall
debris with each install/uninstall, or use a registry cleaner to remove this
debris after it has accumulated for some time, these tools are necessary to
help maintain your system and keep it functioning properly. As far as
registry cleaners, the secret is to find the right one: one that can backup
the registry (and restore if needed) before it removes anything, is able to
defragment the registry after cleaning, and one that will clean the debris
and leave the healthy parts alone. Unfortunately, there is little sound and
impartial information available for registry cleaners and it’s hard to know
which meet the optimal criteria, and which will trash your computer. The
following links are to a tutorial that discusses the details of
install/uninstall problems in Vista, and to downloads for Smarty Uninstaller
and Your Uninstaller.

If Windows were better designed, we would not be having these problems that
necessitate using these third-party applications. I challenge MSFT to build
a better uninstaller for Windows along the lines of Smarty Uninstaller/Your
Uninstaller. I also challenge MSFT to build into Windows a decent, safe
registry cleaner so we don't become victims of the malicious marketing of
registry cleaners that currently goes on. These third-party applications are
essential to keep Windows running and should be a built-in part of Windows.

If you feel the same way I do, please go to the web version of this
newsgroup and vote yes (link below). The more votes we have for this, the
greater the chances that MSFT will listen and make some positive changes. If
you don't feel the same as I do, please post and tell us why. If you have a
better solution to these problems, please post it for all to see.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.

Peter Foldes



Please Reply to Newsgroup for the benefit of others
Requests for assistance by email can not and will not be acknowledged.


> I challenge MSFT to build
> a better uninstaller for Windows along the lines of Smarty

> Uninstaller.

Oh, don't do that. Microsoft created Windows Installer,
which is an astonishingly chaotic and superfluous
mess. We don't want to encourage them to keep
trying. :)

Also, software installation is not done by MS, unless
it's MS software. It's up to the software author to do
the job right.

What you can do if you want a clean system is:

1) Avoid Registry cleaners and other freebie snake oil.

2) Don't "almost constantly install/uninstall/update
third-party games/applications". The "average user"
does not do that, incidentally. Most people have no idea
how to install a new program.

Bruce Chambers

uvbogden wrote:

Absolute and utter nonsense.


Bruce Chambers

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killed a great many philosophers.
~ Denis Diderot


uvbogden wrote:
> The average user these days is almost constantly
> installing/uninstalling/updating third-party games/applications.

< Excellent post snipped for brevity >

> If you don't feel the same as I do, please post
> and tell us why. If you have a better solution to these problems,
> please post it for all to see.

While I agree with the bulk of your post I have a nagging doubt
about one of your recommendations.

On this page :

there is advice on how to ' Export a Copy of Your Registry '.

I am just wondering if you have actually exported a complete registry using this method
and, more importantly, restored this exported backup succesfully.
The reason I ask is that it was well known that in XP you could export an individual key
using regedit but it failed when used to export the whole registry.
I use Erunt to backup my registry.

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