internet stops working whenever ethernet cable is attached


sidhu 1972


i'm a windows 10 user. i got static ip address, dns settings from internet service provider. i had netgear wifi router. my desktop and tp link network switch are connected with the router. from network switch all the other gadgets like apple tv, xbox, fire tv, my bedroom computer & sonos etc get internet connection. my bandwidth was 300Mbps. i sometimes got even more than that. everything was running fine. 7 days back we had a nasty storm. so to avoid lightning strike problem i disconnected my network and switched off everything. but when i reconnected everything problem started. internet works fine only if my desktop connected with router. whenever i'm connecting network switch to another available lan port internet stops working. if i disconnect it desktop can access net. at first i thought that router was the problem. so i bought a tplink ac1200 wifi router. but i 'm facing the same problem again.because of storm all powerlines, cables etc got torn apart. after 2 days isp started to provide net again. but speed was only 15 Mbps. what i'm thinking is that when i connect network switch bandwidth gets shared too much, so net comes to a hault. previously as i had 300 Mbps bandwidth sharing didn't affect the network. is it so? or problem is elsewhere. badly need your suggestions to make my network running again. many thank,


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