How to change the transcoded wallpaper location ?



This sutuation doesn't feel right for me. I'm using SSD & I always use 4k or 8k wallpapers & already set the wallpaper quality to 100% from HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\JPEGImportQuality

For every wallpaper in my slideshow, windows generates the wallpaper copy under %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Themes\TranscodedWallpaper which wears my SSD since I'm changing my wallpaper for every 1 minute. There no way I can stop it unless I use a static background.

I also use Linux on dual boot & this is not the case with it. The default wallpaper directory is used in Linux. If so, why would the windows have to be transcoding the wallpaper under Appdata again & again as there's no purpose doing it.

I need a solution for this, not the explanation.

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