Windows 10 File Explorer--No Thumbnails, Just Icons



I cannot see the thumbnails of my photo files. A few show up, but not all. I have tried all the fixes suggested, but nothing works. I don't understand a what's wrong and b) why MS hasn't fixed this. There are hundreds of users asking this or a similar question about their photo files. Come on! This is a brand new computer I've only had 5 months and already I have a host of problems, but can I get anyone to talk with me? No. Even my Senator's office answers her telephone. How do I get help with these issues? And I'm sure all the others do too. I've read some pretty angry posts here.

When I worked at The House of Representatives for a NY congresswoman the rule of thumb was that if one person picked up the phone to talk about an issue, then we should assume that 50 others had the same issue. When someone sat down and wrote a letter to the congresswoman, we counted it as representing 100 constituents. So . . .

. . . with all the people saying this is a problem for them, (including me, who waited until my computer actually gagged and wouldn't revive to move to Windows 10) WHY won't someone at MS help us, THEIR constituents? This is just offensive. I'm a writer and usually publish photos with my work. How can I select a photo from 21,046 icons? I need to see the thumbnails. And I'm declaring right here for MS and all you comrades to see: if this doesn't get fixed by September 1, I'm moving to Apple! That's how desperate I feel about this issue.

Can someone help me? I'm sure it won't be an MS employee. God knows what you people do up there in Seattle. You sure never talk to me. I'm actually old enough to remember when you did talk with us. But that was before Bill Gates became the richest man in the world. It's really insulting that you let all your customers flail around like this.

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