SYSVOL empty on newly promoted backup domain controller




I recently had a sysvol replication problem on my Backup DC (Server 2012 R2). See this thread.

Off the back of that, I've successfully demoted and promoted the BDC. It appears in the 'domain controllers' AD group and it is listed when I run 'nltest /dclist:'. So far, so good.

However, "C:\Windows\SYSVOL\sysvol\" is empty on the newly promoted BDC. It's been over 6 hours since the promotion, so would have expected the initial sysvol sync to have completed as it's only 50MB.

Further tests

Group Policy Management:

  • I've created a new GPO on the BDC and I can see it replicated on the PDC. I've done this vice versa and the GPO is replicated from the PDC to the BDC. So group policy is replicating.
  • However, if I check the AD & SYSVOl (FRS) replication status for the domain, the BDC is inaccessible.


  • repadmin /replsum = No errors, no fails. Although, the deltas are large at 50m+. Is this normal?
  • repadmin /showrepl = All Successful
  • repadmin /showrepl /errorsonly = No errors
  • repadmin /queue = No items in queue
  • FRS service is running on both DC’s
  • I do see 13508 errors in the FRS syslog. There is no event 13509. So doesn't look like it's working.


  • 'dcdiag /e /test:sysvolcheck' = Passed
  • 'dcdiag /e test:advertising' = Fails with the following error: 'Warning: DsGetDcName returned information for \\, when we were trying to reach BDC. SERVER IS NOT RESPONDING or IT IS NOT CONSIDERED SUITABLE.


  • Each DC has only 1 NIC and 1 IP address
  • Each DC uses it’s private IP address for it’s primary DNS sever
  • ping FQDN to and from either DC is successful
  • There are no errors in the DNS logs

3<sup>rd</sup> Domain Controller:

  • I've also created another 2012 R2 server and promoted it to be a 3rd Domain Controller. I see exactly the same behaviour as for the BDC. So, this looks like there might be a problem with the PDC.

This thread suggests D2 & D4, authoritative & non-authoritative restores. However, I’m erring on the side of caution here. Is this the only solution?

Has anyone seen these problems and any suggestions on what to look at or do next?

Cheers, Will

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