FSMO roles transfer


Topen Tech

Hi Experts,
Hope you are doing well.
We have 3 windows AD servers (Writable). which is exposed to internet. we have another 2 RODCs. All these servers are with internet.
My DNS server is also in Primary domain controller which we call as PDC.
Recently my security team found some critical attacks in all writable AD servers and they advised to format the AD servers which are effected and rebuild the new servers and strickly adviced to block the internet to all the AD servers.
Now we have two challenges.
1.We are planning to transfer the fsmo roles of PDC to another newly built DC.

2.We are planning to build DNS server in separate.
What the precautions which need to follow before we transferring the fsmo roles ?
What are the services which will effect ?
What type of issues we may face while doing transfer ?


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