Want To spread the word about a scam



Hi there everyone. I come to you today wanting to spread awareness of a scam website and program. Im posting this here and any other sites like social media or on ads i see for said program so others do not have the same experience i did. About a week ago I was installing the latest version of OBS which is a recording and streaming software. Because i wanted to record my gameplay for my friends to see. Upon looking on their website i found a list of recommended video editing software. Free and non free ones. One such program was called Avid Media Composer. Upon going to the site i read up about it and it looked like a very professional website. Good claims etc etc. So i decided i would try out said software and lucky for me there was a free version on their site. Avid Media Composer First. The rest you had to either subscribe for or purchase similar to nortons anti virus which mind you i had on my laptop at the time. The pro version. Latest version 360. So i had very strong security on my computer. As the instillation begun listing required stuff to run nortons scanned it before i hit the start instillation button. And everything seemed fine. So i started. Waited for it to finish. And as soon as it said instillation complete my entire computer went black. Powered off. I was confused by this so i turned it back on. It immediately brought up the troubleshoot blue menu. And no matter how many times i backed out or turned off and on again it always gave me this menu. So thats as far as i could go. I spent days upon days nights without sleep. Trying to figure out what was wrong. settings menus were changed. The scan option to fix any hardware issues only brought errors back. Removing latest update or windows version was not an option it would pop up saying it was unable to do so. So i went into firmware and bios settings. Everything was normal except certain options like safe mode was entirely gone. And no F keys during boot would allow me to enter into that mode. Nothing worked. I set stuff back to default just to make sure. No change. so i decided id back up from the troubleshoot menu all my 5 years worth of data to a hard drive. And i did. I was now prepaired to reset my pc. BUT low and behold. That option in the menu was removed as well. Normally u go to the troubleshoot menu and there it says reset this pc. That was gone. And that option was gone in any other menu in the fiemware as well. Command prompt acted like that command wasnt even there and any command promt commands i put in there suggested by any other site even here also came back as not being a command. So i now had a computer that would not boot windows exe, would not leave troubleshoot. Wouod not enter into safe mode. Would not take commands nor allow me to reset it. Therefore i no longer had a pc. My only option left is to try from a windows instillation disk. IF that works. The whole ordeal had me so stressed out, panicked and refusing to sleep out of sheer frustration. So i have taken to every place i can To warn people of this site and product. As nobody should go thru this. Nor lose their stuff. Even if i wanted to i could not afford to get it worked on in a shop. And my warranty expired a year ago. So therefore ive just decided to leave it alone for now. But People should know my story. People should be aware of this scam. I dont know where i can report this site or program and get it taken down or looked into so this is the best i can think of. To spread the word. To protect others. And since my computer ran windows 10. I thought you all should know on here as well. Thank you for taking the time to read this if you do. And i hope nothing like this ever happens to any more people.

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