Windows cannot sleep or shutdown, volmgr Error 45 The system could not sucessfully load the crash dump driver. and Error 46 Crash dump initialization


Ryan Sergio

So my Windows just prevented me from sleep (and shutdown). I have traced the problem and read many many posts in Google to just fix my pagefile or memory dump. All the solutions do not work.

Whenever I do sleep or hibernate (shutdown /h), the screen turns off but the PC does not (all the LEDs are still on, my mouse is still powered). I can move my mouse and the screen goes back on again, and I got into the login screen again.

In my current setup, I have two NVMe drives. Both are M.2, and one is plugged into the M.2 slot, and the other one is plugged into the PCIe card using PCIe to M.2 card. I also have a GTX 1660 in the first PCIe slot. Both are dynamic disks because my D: is a striped volume. I also have a E: volume which is a simple volume. With this setup, I have 3 volumes, C, D, and E, which are listed in DISKPART as Volume 0 - 3 (including EFI system partition, which makes it 4 volumes).

I have used it with no problem. I have been using an external harddrive which apparently was not wiped clean and have two volumes (two partitions) in it, an ESP, and a normal NTFS partition. This makes them listed in disk part as Volume 4 and Volume 5. I have used this setup without problem. Until one day, I realized that I plugged out the drive without safely ejecting the drive. I have been using it without ejecting it once, shutting down and turning my computer on without ejecting it once. Then I wanted to use it for my laptop but I can't eject it safely because Windows kept saying that it was being used. So I forced ejected it anyway by plugging it out. This is when the problem began, I think.

After that I can't sleep or shutdown the PC. Restart works perfectly. When I saw the event viewer, there are three events that I always see when I do standby:

1. User-mode process attempted to change the system state by calling SetSuspendState or SetSystemPowerState APIs.

Source: Kernel-Power, Event ID: 187, Information

I think this indicates that the user initiates sleep.

2. The driver \Driver\pci for device PCI\VEN_1022&DEV_43C7&SUBSYS_33061B21&REV_01\5&20ab19aa&0&08020B stopped the power transition.

Source: Kernel-Power, Event ID: 40, Information

This one I do not understand. In device manager it's one of the "PCI-to-PCI bridge" device. It can be my SSD or the Nvidia. But I think it is related to the volmgr problem which comes 1 second after.

3. The system could not sucessfully load the crash dump driver.

Source: volmgr, Event ID: 45, Error, EventData \Device\HarddiskVolume5

What I realized is that, in the EventData, there is an information regarding where the error comes from, I think. It's HarddiskVolume5. However there is no such volume in DISKPART. I have not plugged in the external harddrive back. HarddiskVolume5 may be from the external harddrive, or, one of my SSD drives which were numbered 5 when my external harddrive were plugged in. Either way, the error persists even though I plug my external harddrive back.

During startup, after rebooting, I do always get volmgr error, but this time it's Event 46, which is Crash dump initialization failed! which I think come from the same source. The EventData contains the same entry which is \Device\HarddiskVolume5 which is non-existent.

For extra information, doing shutdown /h will take me through the same process when sleeping and the command prompt then shows Incorrect function.(1) message on the screen, which I think does not help at all since it's a very generic error.

Standby, hibernate, and shutdown, all three will generate the exact same messages. They all behave exactly the same. All i can do is just reboot.

How to fix this problem, or at least reset the volmgr somehow so that it no longer refers to the non-existent drive? Of course changing memory dump or pagefile options do not work if this is the case.

I have tried fixing Windows files with dism and sfc, does not work.

Is there a way to fix this without having to reinstall Windows?

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