Windows 10 Action Center display



WIndows 10 fully updated (but have not yet been offered version 2004). The Action Center, when open, displays notifications at the top, and at the bottom a number of tiles identifying actions/functions that may or may not be switched on. The ones available, but not switched on, are gray with bright white letters (if not available the letters are grayed out). The ones switched on are a bright contrasting color. That color changes frequently (several times a day). I haven't taken the trouble to keep track and so figure out if it is a fixed sequence or a shuffle of some sort. My question is simpler than that: is the color change just a way of keeping Windows users from falling asleep <G>, or does it have some more profound significance?

Obviously the fate of the Universe does not depend on the answer(s) to this question, but I'm a scientist cursed from birth with that same insatiable curiosity that got the elephant its trunk (in the Kipling Just So Stories), so . . . I just like to know things. I do not subscribe to the Sherlock Holmes dictum that there's only so much room in the attic; on the contrary, I find the more stuff you have there, the more likely are you to find something useful when you need it. At 88 and a half years old I haven't yet run out of curiosity, or of room to store stuff <G>.

So thanks for any enlightenment!

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