Windows Credentials and File Sharing is Fundamentally Broken



A picture paints a thousand words. Let me give this a run down. I have two machines, both activated, running like a sheep with my little Microsoft logins enabled (some of it's OK but it doesn't give you that pride of ownership that XP did) and all I wanted to do was some basic file sharing, remote desktop. Simple stuff. Had been doing it for years.

Oh, the "Users" mess -- started as a regular non-Microsoft login, I'll get Skype later etc, and a standard username. Let's Call it "Fido" an Administrator (yes maybe he should be a standard user, but don't further complicate this!) On another system, we have a username "Slate." His Windows machine is called ECHO.

Both Fido and Slate have had Windows passwords forever. Windows has tried to gimmick them to the recesses of your memory, so we adapt and make sure password managers keep track of these things. Some people even have the same Windows password as their Microsoft password! In fact, most, would, it makes sense, doesn't it. And shouldn't this be about making sense?

So -- it would then make sense to say to oneself "Oh, my Microsoft accounts, and my Windows User accounts, they must be merging or something. Surely this is to serve no subscription software purpose of commerce, it's surely going to be about making the experience of computing even better. You know what, I'm gonna tell Windows 10 that they can go ahead and turn my dull old offline only User account named Fido into an online, fully Microsoft integrated experience.

Now, if I'm to be remembered correctly, I can't forget my old Fido password, but must start using my fancy Microsoft password. Although that doesn't matter because of PINS. And Authentication software. And fingerprint scanners. And some naff thing where if you hold up a photo of *something* you get in. Well, Microsoft, *hello.*

Well, I thought to myself, this will make file sharing and RDP a breeze, because we've been authenticated in three or four different ways with just one User account.

Well, imagine my shock:


This is a screenshot of trying to get access to a shared file on ECHO, that was shared specifically to Fido. In fact, when sharing that folder, and typing in the name FIDO, Windows promptly changed it to the official looking address. Woah, this will be seamless!

It wasn't. Imagine staring at that input box.

"Nah type in Fido and then your old password, the one before you used your microsoft password."

"Oh yep, I can kind of remember it."


"Hmm ok try Fido again, but use your Microsoft password, duh why didn't we think of this like all of the time once?"


Hmm Fido, this time try your PIN, long shot I know ...


Fido let's just forget about using fido. Let's use your microsoft account email address. It's like *** Email address is removed for privacy ***. whack that in there with your Microsoft password, and it will work straight away! I'm surprised we didn't do this from the get go, except we totally did.


Maybe your old Fido password? No?

IT DOESN'T WORK and so far not many online have come up with any solution -- there's talk of going back to SMB1, disabling firewall altogether, making credentials for yourselves that don't work, and that you never had to do before.

My cousin's iPad can use an app called File Extreme to browse his brother's shared directories. Good luck he has an iPad not Window 10 or he'd be missing that totally awesome directory. Oh, but he could just watch by using RDP -- it seems to go OK iPad to Windows 10. But dare thinking about establishing an RDP from Win 10 to Win 10 and the response is:

Who are you, what's your name, what's your other name, your password, but not your pin or any pre-authneticated info we have on you. Ok thank you, please hold:


Microsoft. I am a joker. I like to throw sarcasm into complaints such as this. But the truth is: You have stuffed up badly, and have made no apparent effort to communicate with your customers about the issue. People are relying on blogs, disabling this, disabling that, hacking up the registry, stuffing around with encrypted credentials, while you as a company couldn't really care less, because, let's get down to this, WE'RE NOT ON ACTIVE DIRECTORY.

Your operating service needs to start operating as a system again, quickly. At the price of hardware now, it wouldn't be hard to change to Apple for millions of begrudging customers. Apple's ecosystem will never let them go. You're losing them over this, and other issues, I guarantee it. They won't come back. As for workplace contracts? Work from home? I'd prefer an Apple setup please boss I find it's less frustrating. As for their hardware flaws, well I won't cry about them the same reason a Mercedes Benz driver doesn't lose any sleep about her notoriously unreliable car. I bet however, that her key fob lets her in so she can use it.

Please fix the problem.

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