Windows constantly getting stuck on Windows loading screen

  • Thread starter Non of your business
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Non of your business

So Iv been having constant issues ever since I bought this computer if its not one thing its the other. One of the biggest things is that when ever I have to update or restart the computer it's like playing Russian roulette. It ether gets just keeps rolling the loading screen or it makes through. I don't know how many times Igone through the advanced startup after restarting numerous times but never ones has it ever fix any problems.

The last time this happened was on the latest updated wanted me to update and restart. Having gone through this a million times before I just did it before going to bed so I didn't have to sit thee for hour again with it ether making it through the boot or never getting there. I wake up and its still on windows loading screen fiddling with its nuts.

I try and restart and still the same thing,.. It never starts up the advanced options ether. I figured out how to get to the advanced options a different way but as usual noting fixes or works. Finally I'm forced to do a complete reinstall of window. I download the Microsoft tool to make the flash drive and try to re-install window. First time I try to do this the Window logo appears with two extra smaller logos above the main startup logo. And it didn't let me reinstall. I figured something must have gone wrong with the flash drive creation tool and decided to do it again. Second time I suddenly have the main logo and 4 other broken up widows logos. Third time I finally get an normal looking logo and get to the installation window. Bare in mind that I'm just doing the exact same thing three times and it suddenly works.

Then I get asked, on what drive I want to install the windows. Now I just bought that SSD drive a very short wile ago and have done nothing to it other than installing windows once before and have barely been able to add any other programs to it before this starts happening again and I'm not allowed to install windows on it with the very same way I installed it the first time because it's suddenly has a sick amount of so called MSR reserved partitions and other partitions I never created that are in a GPT format and therefore not compatible with the flash drive boot format. I have two hard-drives installed, and both of them are split up in so many partitions that its impossible to figure out what partitions belong to what drive. I finally figure out that I have to pull out the second hard-drive to make sure I don't accidentally delete or install that one. After tryig everything else the only thng left to try was to simply delete all of the partitions in order to try to get the hardrive compatible again

Ironically deleting all the Microsoft reserved partitions worked and I was now finally able to use the flash drive that was created using their own dam instillation tool. But my second drive is, still hacked to pieces with several MSR reserved partitions I didn't even know about and don't understand why are there.

So after spending the entire day working through all of that I'm finally back to square one and have windows re-install and had to loose over 200 hours of work because of having to delete everything and reformat to get there. And yes I did try to create a backup through the not so advanced startup menus that never really work or fix anything.

It does a few updates and everything is fine again. Then comes the dreaded Update and shut down request that I accept right before going to bed and to day I have been looking at the dam Windows loading screen fiddling with its nuts again for over 4 hours.

Over the course of the last three years,..

I have tried:

- Pulling out all the USB's

- Replacing and using different ram and ports 2 times

- Changing SSD drive

- Changing Sata ports or what ever their called

- Sending in the Motherboard to a check up that comes back with not problems registered

- Updating Bios, and everything else.

- and finally kicking it.


MSI X99 motherboard

MSI 1080 grafics card

Changed SSD drive 2 times and is currently a "Samsung 1 T 860 EVO"

32 G of ram

Can someone help and at the same time get me a Microsoft employee I can kick the @#%& out of.

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