Dell laptop will not wake from sleep, shuts down when idle for a few seconds, started after SSD upgrade



I've got a Dell Inspiron 7786 2-in-one laptop that has a problem with power management. OS is Windows 10 version 2004. Laptop came with a 128GB M.2 SSD and a 1TB mechanical HDD. When I first bought it I upgraded to a Crucial MX500 1TB SSD. After doing that upgrade a year ago I experienced the same problem and managed to fix it by disabling some power management things. It worked fine for a year, but recently I had a wireless card die on me and during the troubleshooting Dell insisted I reinstall Windows (three times, plus uninstall and reinstall the wireless driver countless times, before they wuold accept that it was a hardware issue, but I digress). Ever since reinstalling Windows it has reverted to its old ways. Unfortunately I either forget or can't find what I did to fix it before. I do know this:

* This is NOT a heat issue. It happens when the computer is sitting idle for more than 30 seconds, and happens every time.
*This is a power management issue but it is beyond the scope of Windows' built-in basic power management settings. Changing sleep/hibernate settings, including disabling, makes no difference. Windows no longer offers the option of disabling turning the HDD off after XX time.
* The problem is that the SSD is shutting down while it is idle. If I play a video in the background and let the computer sit it will happily hum along all day. If I stop the video and put the computer down it will shut itself off in about 30 seconds. Not the normal shut down or sleep - it shuts off as though the battery was suddenly pulled. Likewise if I am doing anything at all that causes the computer to access the HDD at all, such as surfing the web, it will continue to function normally. However if I'm doing something that doesn't require HDD "pinging", such as reading a long article on a website, it will shut down suddenly and with no warning after about 30 seconds. Even as I type this I have a video looping in a minimized window of VLC to keep hitting the hard drive to keep it awake.

Aside from the SSD powering down when idle for more than 30 seconds the PC will not sleep. If I close the lid and set it down, then pick it up again and open the lid, the computer starts from cold boot and everything that was on the screen when the lid was closed is gone. I am suspecting this is related to the idle shut down thing, as the last time I fixed it, both problems disappeared.

So here's the problem: I can't for the life of me remember what I did that last time, and google searches aren't helping. I vaguely remember editing something in the registry. I also vaguely remember uninstalling a Windows component, then setting Windows Update to not reinstall it. I just can't remember what that was. Anyone else fight this problem?

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