The Microsoft store is hot garbage and Microsoft is doing nothing to fix it!



I Pay for Game Pass and am able to download games on xBox just fine, I could still argue it is slow but it is manageable. However downloading Minecraft of all things from the windows store took more that 24 HOURS even though the download is a tiny ~=200mb file! I am attempting to download an update to the same game and it will not even start the download. The windows store has said pending for HOURS now. My question is not how to fix this because I know for a fact that it has nothing to do with my equipment or internet connection. My question is why despite the fact that countless Windows users continue to report the Microsoft store as factually unusable, Microsoft does not improve or expand it's servers to actually provide the games and software that are offered. I can only imagine that selling a product and not making it available IS ILLEGAL! It's basically stealing money! I scam! I have seen reports from many people who buy Forza or Gears of War (both from Microsoft Studios) and they give up on ever playing it because they cannot download it and Microsoft's response is "no refunds." How can Microsoft even expect to be successful as a software company if it is not possible to access the software hey are trying to sell! In case I haven't made myself clear, FIX THE MICROSOFT STORE SERVICE! IT IS BROKEN! AND IT IS BROKEN ON MICROSOFT'S SIDE! STOP BLAMING YOUR CUSTOMERS!

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