Cannot delete files, permission/encryption issue



I recently installed Phantasy Star Online 2 with Microsoft Store. The application has caused me permission issues for the second time involving this game.

The issue both times has begun with when the I execute the game file, nothing happens at all. I approached the executable file from all angles and nothing works. I go to the Microsoft store and it says "Play", also having no effect. I reset the store and nothing changes. I reset the computer and nothing changes. Add/Remove Programs has no effect on this beast.

The brass tax issue here for me is deleting the files to regain the space. The first time I solved this issue was with manipulating the permissions error caused by Microsoft Store's creation of the files with Trusted Installer. I went to the security tab of my WindowsApps and changed the permissions to "Patrick-PC\Patrick". I was then able to delete enough subfiles for the Store to recognize it as corrupted and offer me the Reinstall option (Install is the ONLY option given at any other time).

This time the files have grown more resilient. They are learning. Permissions editing helped nothing. I own all of the files and subfiles, yet I still need permission from myself to affect these files. I have opened command prompt and typed "whoami" with the same result of "Patrick-PC\Patrick", the user I need permission from. I have tried to delete the files with Unlocker. I have tried to delete the files with and without confirmation via command prompt open with my user and "Open with Administrator". All files in every sense are denied access. Screenshots provided.

In addition I've noticed that when I attempt to edit permissions for any subfolder of WindowsApps, it reacts differently than other folders. I believe the original "owner" or creator was an entity known as Trusted Installer. I have ownership of the file and subfolders at this time. The way in which is reacts differently is in normal folders I can click "change ownership" and am then allowed to select an entity to give ownership. when I attempt to edit any folder within WindowsApps (which I have ownership of), I am met with a grayed out useless window (auditing technically functions in the capacity that I am able to click it, though it seems using it renders no useful changes, and I am able to view effective access in which myself [Patrick-PC\Patrick] has full access.)

A recent search told me the files might be encrypted. They are. When I attempt to decrypt the folder and subfiles it tells me it cannot be done. I looked at the certificates for the decryption, both fields are blank. There are no permissions to decrypt the files and consequently no "Add..." button.

Whether any of these have to do anything with each other I am unsure. I just want to know if there is a solution short of formatting the whole thing.


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