june 2020 windows 10 updates seems to have corrupted my settings?


Mike bridgezb

Hello - I bought a Windows 10 laptop 3 weeks back. I installed Google Chrome as browser and arranged many bookmarks/shortcuts etc. I also transferred I-Tunes over from my previous laptop and all was working ok until last night there were a number of automatic windows 10 updates installed. Since then, I can log on ok but my browser is back to default. I-Tunes is missing from my screen albeit I've found it within 'C-Drive' (the C-drive seems to be fairly full). N.B. at the end if the updates there seemed to be a VERY brief error message with no time to read but it mentioned something about profile not being found..i think).

Can anyone advise what's happened and if it's possible to reset my laptop back to what it was? You've probably gathered i'm not a tech person so apologies if this is obvious! I have searched online and there are many similar issues with differing responses so thought i'd try this.

Many thanks in advance.

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