Losing your pointer/cursor while working on a Word Document on an ASUS X540SA(Maybe, etc.), and a solutions



If you've had the horrible experience of your pointer/cursor disappearing while working on an important time sensitive document like I have, I've stumble on one solution that you might be able to use depending on the specific circumstances I'm going to describe for you. I will always prepare my documents in Microsoft Word because of its perfected simplicity, and adaptability. So, while working on document using Windows 10, I was going over a document that I had prepared previously, but I wanted to modify it. Using the pointer, I would insert a word, sentence or paragraph, and all would seem to be going quite well, when all of a sudden the cursor disappear and even worse the entire document froze right before my eyes. I could press escape as a remedy and immediately recover the cursor. I couldn't press any key, or keys in combination as suggested by Youtube, Yourtube, Mytube, Theirtube, Google, or everthing else. Ultimately I had to shutdown my laptop and lose everything that wasn't saved. Always believing that if the experts can't figure it out, I'm going to have to myself using some form of logic. I would suggest that we are able to figure out how to make our computers do the right thing because the are designed that way by the manufacturers and software engineers based on logical deduction, not because we too are geniuses. If these guys designed these machines for themselves we would never be able to use them. Always start with logic, and the more you learn, the more logic you will be able to apply. One bit of knowledge leads to the other. Alright. Alright! How did I solve the problem? It appears that I was working in the Web browser Firefox. I've just started using Firefox over the last month or so. However, all of my documents have been prepared on Internet Explorer, Explorer, or even Google Chrome with no problem. If cursor disappeared, I would press esc and recover it immediately. When I continued to try to work in Firefox and the cursor problem was getting worse, I decided to switch to a browser, especially a Microsoft browser(Internet Explorer, Explorer, etc., and likely the newest version of Explorer). When I did that I have experienced not one problem whatsoever. Not being certain that what I've discovered is absolutely and unequivocally correct, what I will simply suggest is try preparing your document in a compatible or different browser. So there you have it, not just one but 2 solutions. As you might have noted, I indicated that when the pointer disappears press esc. To be sure trying to press fn +F3+F5+F9+F11 may work, only if you are a spider with very long legs. Just don't give up there is a solution(Just be sure to save as often as possible with an automatic saver app, or manually. The alternative could be disaster). Hoped this helped. Can't see what I written. Typing in a single line/thread. Hoping it is intelligible.

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