"windows system32 secur32.dll is either not designed to run on windows or contains an error" has been popping up all over.



This issue has started about a week ago. I booted up my laptop and opened PyCharm - a popular Python interpreter. The program was not willing to open. sometimes I saw it in file manager, and sometimes not.

After a couple of minutes of searching, I found an online solution. to delete the content of some folder inside of the PyCharm directory. And so I did. Apparently, two files could not be deleted, so I skipped over them. this "fix" did not work, and so I tried re-installing PyCharm.

The installer had an error message saying that the PyCharm folder is not empty, and so I tried deleting it. two files inside of there were apparently corrupt and could not be deleted. so I went back to the internet and found that typing in CMD "chkdsk C: /f" will restart your PC and perform a drive scan. The scan said there was a problem, and that it could not be fixed. My laptop rebooted and when it did, I could successfully delete the corrupted files.

a day later I had a Zoom meeting. I launched Zoom. "windows system32 secur32.dll is either not designed to run on windows or contains an error". I tried re-installing Zoom. "windows system32 secur32.dll is either not designed to run on windows or contains an error". so I went on another PC and forgot about it.

Today, I tried to use the Chrome Webdriver inside of Python. The driver worked just a week before. I got an error message inside of Python, and so clicked on the Webdriver file. "windows system32 secur32.dll is either not designed to run on windows or contains an error". So I get there is a problem at this point.

I looked it online and apparently, secur32 is super important and will only cause this error because of a virus or tampering with system files and such.

I do not think this is virus related, as the issue only occurred after the PyCharm corrupted files situation, and because the scan said the issue couldn't be fixed.

What do I do?

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