Here is the skinny. You do not have to be a nerd/ geek/ or expert
computer user to understand freedom. Freedom equals the ability to
practice your own beliefs and to conduct your life the way you see
I am going to say something that will piss off the general user
community. You have the freedom not to use a computer. You have the
freedom to build a computer the way you see fit. You have the freedom
to program your own or edit a current open source os to run this
powerful machine. I have used Windows ever since I could get a copy of
3.1. 3.1 sucked, 95 sucked, 98 was better, Xp did what I needed it to
do. I will not buy Vista, for that matter I will not even bother
trying to get a pirated copy of it. That would be saying I appreciate
their effort.
Much like the Romans which were originally elected by the people, we
accepted the Gatesians and the Jobsians. With the exception of the
Rebellion (Linux) we are set to those two choices. Mac or Win. The
line between good and evil has been drawn. We accepted them for so
long that they now have near to absolute power. Bill Gates has more
money than over 50 really small countries. He can fight his own wars.
He has enough money to take over a single large country if he so
YOU the people have accepted TV's and Computers in your home. You the
people want them, and you the people beat off to them when your kids
and wife are out. They have replaced social involvement in the world.
I asked a girl out the other day that I met on the bus, and she
actually had the audacity to say I do not date guys that I do not meet
on Facebook. There is something sincerely wrong with that.
So here it goes. If you insist on using computers, and being attached
to them for more than 10 minutes a day, then listen up. If you want to
be controlled- use a computer. If not don't. If Linux was the most
popular system, somebody would be profiting off of it. If Microsoft
was the underdog we would be making a movement in its favor. I am sick
of this. I enjoy the star trek philosophy of name recognition.
Currently the developers of Linux/GNU get those priveleges. They are
not currently in it for the money, they just care whether or not you
can google their name. So that they can put it on their resume and
apply to work at Microsft.
I am not hating on Linux. I use Fedora 7 on one computer, and I use XP
on another. The computers names are Riddick and Nurse Ruby. Linux is
your best salvation right now. We have a new Pope, soon there will be
a king of England, a New Post-Bush (Possibly Woman/ Possibly Black)
President, Bill Gates, NATO, NSA, and 20 other powers that will be
trying to capatalize on our civalization in the next two years. This
is only a small part of it.
But it is important enough of a part, that we need to take action now.
We need to get money together nation wide and have a Commercial AD
alerting people about Linux and what it offers currently, and play it
during the Super Bowl or the Olympics. That is the only way the world
will see it.
computer user to understand freedom. Freedom equals the ability to
practice your own beliefs and to conduct your life the way you see
I am going to say something that will piss off the general user
community. You have the freedom not to use a computer. You have the
freedom to build a computer the way you see fit. You have the freedom
to program your own or edit a current open source os to run this
powerful machine. I have used Windows ever since I could get a copy of
3.1. 3.1 sucked, 95 sucked, 98 was better, Xp did what I needed it to
do. I will not buy Vista, for that matter I will not even bother
trying to get a pirated copy of it. That would be saying I appreciate
their effort.
Much like the Romans which were originally elected by the people, we
accepted the Gatesians and the Jobsians. With the exception of the
Rebellion (Linux) we are set to those two choices. Mac or Win. The
line between good and evil has been drawn. We accepted them for so
long that they now have near to absolute power. Bill Gates has more
money than over 50 really small countries. He can fight his own wars.
He has enough money to take over a single large country if he so
YOU the people have accepted TV's and Computers in your home. You the
people want them, and you the people beat off to them when your kids
and wife are out. They have replaced social involvement in the world.
I asked a girl out the other day that I met on the bus, and she
actually had the audacity to say I do not date guys that I do not meet
on Facebook. There is something sincerely wrong with that.
So here it goes. If you insist on using computers, and being attached
to them for more than 10 minutes a day, then listen up. If you want to
be controlled- use a computer. If not don't. If Linux was the most
popular system, somebody would be profiting off of it. If Microsoft
was the underdog we would be making a movement in its favor. I am sick
of this. I enjoy the star trek philosophy of name recognition.
Currently the developers of Linux/GNU get those priveleges. They are
not currently in it for the money, they just care whether or not you
can google their name. So that they can put it on their resume and
apply to work at Microsft.
I am not hating on Linux. I use Fedora 7 on one computer, and I use XP
on another. The computers names are Riddick and Nurse Ruby. Linux is
your best salvation right now. We have a new Pope, soon there will be
a king of England, a New Post-Bush (Possibly Woman/ Possibly Black)
President, Bill Gates, NATO, NSA, and 20 other powers that will be
trying to capatalize on our civalization in the next two years. This
is only a small part of it.
But it is important enough of a part, that we need to take action now.
We need to get money together nation wide and have a Commercial AD
alerting people about Linux and what it offers currently, and play it
during the Super Bowl or the Olympics. That is the only way the world
will see it.