File xfer security


Jim Bilgin


How can I securely transfer files using a recordable CD from one XP to the
The XP Pro's native file encryption works only in the same HD. The moment
the file is copied to any other media it disables its security feature.

Is there any Microsoft product or a Freeware software that does not expire
nor has a number of files limitation for this purpose?


Juergen Nieveler

Jim Bilgin <> wrote:

> How can I securely transfer files using a recordable CD from one XP to
> the other.
> The XP Pro's native file encryption works only in the same HD. The
> moment the file is copied to any other media it disables its security
> feature.

Actually you could export the certificate and import it on the other
machine - but that's a cumbersome process.

> Is there any Microsoft product or a Freeware software that does not
> expire nor has a number of files limitation for this purpose?

Tons of them. Check out GnuPG, for example, or AxCrypt, or 7-Zip...

Juergen Nieveler
OTOH, what the heck do I know


Truecrypt willl create a password-protected driveletter which represents a
secure file-store. Plus, the data is not locked to one PC and user, as it is
with EFS.
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