Why is streaming photos to a TV a problem after many years of complaints?



Just purchased a new computer with Win10. I have three Win7 computers in my house with an old MediaSmart server that backs them up each night. So, I have enough knowledge that I thought streaming my photo collection to my smart TV would be duck soup. NOT!

I came here thinking I would find the solution. What I found is many people who have had the same or similar problems dating back as far as 2015 or longer. There have been countless suggestions for resolving the problem, and a few people were helped, but the majority have tried everything and nothing helps.

My problem is this. I can stream videos from my Win10 computer with no problems, but photos are a problem. I have thousadnds of photos on my hard drive organized in folders. When I go to the TV, it sees the computer and folders, but no thumbnails or files. Let me correct that statement. It does see a handful of photos that seem to be totally random, nothing in common.

I’ve tried most of the suggestions I’ve found here, but nothing seems to solve the problem. Occassionally, a simple unrelated change makes a difference. For example, I made a simple name change to a photo file and then it worked. I changed the name back to the original and it countinued to work. I have messed with shared settings that are correct, but sometimes changing them and then seering them back makes a difference. For example, If I right click a photo folder, then go to the shared tab, and just click on the existing settings since the folder is already set to shared, then the tv will show thumbnails of all the photos in that folder, but trying to open them produces an error message.

i guess my question has no answer, but why does Microsoft still have complaints about this issue, and no solutions, after five years or more? Why do we need to turn to a third party, like Plex, to solve the problem? I guess that will be my next step!

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