Constant BSODs, don't know what to do. Please help. :(



Hello everyone,

Hope you are doing well.

I am wondering if you can help me. I am constantly getting BSODs in particular WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR and CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT and I don't know why. I get it mostly when playing games but I also get it almost as often from just watching YouTube or browsing the internet.

This came about around a month ago and happens almost every 3-4 hours. I thought this had something to do with the latest Windows update but it doesn't seem to be as I went back from updates and it is still doing it.

Here is some more information:

crash dump file: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\071320-27953-01.dmp

This was probably caused by the following module: Unknown (0x0000000000000000)

Bugcheck code: 0x101 (0x18, 0x0, 0xFFFFF80157EA5180, 0x0)


Bug check description: This indicates that an expected clock interrupt on a secondary processor, in a multi-processor system, was not received within the allocated interval. This can be caused by non-responding hardware or by a overheated CPU (thermal issue).

A third party driver was identified as the probable root cause of this system error.


This was probably caused by the following module: hal.dll (hal+0x48188)

Bugcheck code: 0x124 (0x0, 0xFFFFE60311C61028, 0xBE000000, 0x800400)


file path: C:\WINDOWS\system32\hal.dll

product: Microsoft® Windows® Operating System

company: Microsoft Corporation

description: Hardware Abstraction Layer DLL

Bug check description: This bug check indicates that a fatal hardware error has occurred. This bug check uses the error data that is provided by the Windows Hardware Error Architecture (WHEA).

This is likely to be caused by a hardware problem.

The crash took place in the Windows kernel. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver that cannot be identified at this time.

No idea what hal.dll is or means. I searched it up but I couldn't find much information on it.

Can anybody help me please? :( Would be greatly appreciated! All these BSODs are messing my work up.

Many thanks,


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