various problems trying to install the windows 10 2004 update



A while ago, a couple of weeks after version 2004 became available, i had some trouble with installing updates, i still had version 1909 installed, and a couple updates kept causing trouble when windows attempted to install them. the computer would restart 3 times every time i turned it on, trying to apply the updates, the restart trying to undo the changes, then restart after the changes were undone. this became extremely annoying and no solution i found helped so i decided to reinstall windows from scratch. i went to download windows and the only option was to download the 2004 version to make a bootable usb. i did this and when booting from the usb, the computer would restart after the windows logo appeared on screen. after many hours contacting support and getting no real answer, and trying different usb drives, removing ram, disconnecting drives, removing graphics card, putting in a different one, i gave up and started to search for a 1909 iso. i found it, made a bootable usb with it, managed to install it with no issue. i then paused the updates for a month, thinking there might have been an issue with the 2004 release or something that would be fixed in the next few weeks.

Today the month was over and windows update notified me about the 2004 version. i said yes, sure, windows, update yourself, and after the update was downloaded and i was prompted to restart. i restarted, and the same thing happened, as soon as the windows logo showed up, the computer restarted itself. after that one restart it seemed to be working ok, and i got the update thing before the log in screen, and i didn't see any "undoing changes" thing, so i thought the 2004 version had been installed. unfortunately, i then got a notification saying not all updates were successful, and when i go see which weren't, i see the "Feature update to Windows 10, version 2004 Failed to install on 19/07/2020 -0xc1900101" error. i then googled this error and tried the solutions found here Resolution procedures - Windows IT Pro - Windows Deployment Unfortunately none of those worked, and the log files mentioned were nowhere to be found. the rollback folder is there, but none of the log files mnetioned. event viewer also didn't help, as the only error around the time of update only mentioned the same thing the update window was telling me, that the update failed and the error was 0xc1900101.

Now i wonder if this may have something to do with one specific part in my computer, and if so with which? when i changed the graphics card trying to install windows from scratch using the 2004 bootable usb, i used a quadro 400 which is the only other graphics card i have available.

This is the list of the hardware in my computer:

Motherboard: msi b350m pro-vdh BIOS date: 03/14/2018 version A.B0

RAM: 4x crucial ballistix sport lt 4GB 2400 MT/s

Storage: samsung 970 evo 250 GB

Graphics card: gigabyte gtx 1060 windforce 2x oc (gv-n1060wf20c-6gd) BIOS version(it was never modified, just listing it for information): Chipset revision: A1

CPU: Ryzen 5 1600 yd1600bbm6iae (which has never been overclocked or messed with)

All the drivers are up to date, trying to eliminate as many variables as i could i tried this with one monitor plugged in, with 2 monitors plugged in, changed which monitor was conencted each time. tried to restart with no monitors.

One other modern operating system that i tried works fine in this computer (ubuntu 20.04). this may not be relevant but i thought why not try it. 1909 also works completely fine on my computer. when i was having issues with the other updates a month ago, before reinstalling 1909 from scratch, people told me to run stress tests to see if there was maybe a hardware error. i did that and there were no crashes during the hours of stress testing. memtest reported no errors either.

I hope this is enough information, i tried to be as thorough as i could, and hopefully, if someone else has faced this same issue trying to install the 2004 update, they've found a fix and can share it with me, that would be lovely.

Thank you very much.

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