Is Disconnecting a Hard Drive and then Installing a fresh Copy of Windows 10 on an SSD and then later connecting the hard drive with its data possible


Hamid Iqbal

I would like to know if I could Disconnect my Hard Drive which was my primary boot drive until I bought an SSD,
and then Install a fresh copy of windows on the SSD with a bootable USB drive while the hard drive is disconnected and then when the windows is set up and ready to go, I later connect my Hard drive which Still has the older copy of the windows and files that i don't want to lose and so I set the SSD as the priority boot device in the BIOS.

What I want to ask is after my SSD is the priority boot device and I have reconnected the Hard Drive Which is as a single partition in which there are separate folders containing the old C and D drives, can I then reconnect my Hard drive and will it show up as another drive with all its content or will I have to Create a new simple volume which Would result in me loosing my Data, so i would like to know if there is another method which will let me keep the old data and still show the Hard drive with its contents(where i would later delete the C drive folder containing the old copy of windows on the Hard disk so that the SSD becomes the only storage device with windows on it) in the new fresh copy of windows booted via the SSD and thus be able to keep my D drive From the old windows but now the old copy of windows on my computer.

I hope you understood my Question and the specific doubt that I have, and so would you help me to know the solution to this problem or should i like copy the D drive on to and external hard disk and then connect my SSD and then clone my windows to the SSD so that I don't Have any problems with formatting the Hard Drive after the cloning process is done, and then reinstall the cloned windows with the option of deleting all files and reinstalling it agian.

Although i would like to go with the first method(that is if it is possible ).

Thanking you in Advance

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