DistributedCOM issues Event ID 10016




I will try my best to describe and keep it short, not very knowledgeable with programs and the inner workings/terminology, etc. I have an issue of some sort with DCOM, it appears that is has been happening for some time unknown to me. I have no issue using my computer for daily tasks, internet, word, excel, saving, backups, etc. Recently I had purchased a USB that is one of those smart USB type deals, its is encrypted from the provider, which is TechAuthority.com. They are the Chrysler service for getting the service manual information for vehicles, and when you purchase the information for your particular model they send you this USB that best I can explain it, is a sort of key to allow you to get through their website and be able to view the information. For whatever reason they dont just sell you the information on a USB that you are in control of. Anyway, I have one other USB from them that works just fine. Also maybe worth noting that to use these USBs you have to use internet explorer and can only have windows. So I have one USB from them that I have had over a year, no issues. I just recently bought another one with different information that they must deem more sensitive as this one comes encrypted, whereas the other one apparently does not. so when I plug it in nothing happens, file explorer shows D:Drive but it is greyed out and I can't click on it to do anything. Under the devices its shows it and its basically also greyed out, but I can see the properties, and when working through there, properties/hardware/properties/events I could see 3 events: device started, device configured, and then device not migrated. I have no idea what that means, and have asked techauthority for support, and have been getting responses but not that great of help honestly, like they aren't even reading the information I am providing them as they keep directing me to do stuff that I already told them it won't allow.

SO I decided to wipe my computer and start fresh with a new install of windows from the cloud, figuring maybe whatever the issue is would be resolved. Now after I did the wipe I got a slightly different result, ans now the events no longer show the device not migrated info. Now at this point I started to explore and came past the event viewer app where it shows i have hundreds of these warnings for DCOM, the description of the warning starts as The machine-default permission settings do not grant local activation permission for the COM server application with CLSID...., there is a bunch more to it but I am guessing that the issue also effcts event viewer because if I try to go any further than clicking onto the event the app freezes. I cant try to log it or any of the options on the right hand side of the app. I did get a log of it before I had reset the computer the first time, and could try to share it somehow, if that helps to figure it out. The last line of the log said The security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool. When I open that app, and Console Root/Component services/computers/my computer/DCOM Config then I get a popup warning that says DCOM Configuration Warning The CLSID...(some long file location or something)...the title PowerConservation Class has the named value AppID but is not recorded under //HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT/AppID. Do you wish to record it? I am real tempted to hit yes, but I have no idea what that means or refers to and what the outcome will be, and I would prefer not to have to reset my computer again if it messes something up.

SO that is what I got, and all I know atm. I had tried to use this USB on another windows computer and it also didn't work, and showed the same events information I had originally about device not migrated. I didn't look into it any further on that computer because it wasn't mine. Any help or insights as to what the problem is, why, or if I am ok to hit the yes button on that warning message would be extremely appreciated as I have spent many hours on this issue already, likely over 10 with the resets and the IT people from TechAuthority, and need to get this figured out.

Thank you in advance for whomever comes to me rescue!! lol

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