File Explorer Preview Pane not taking up whole space

  • Thread starter Heather McLaughlin (heather.mclaughlin)
  • Start date

Heather McLaughlin (heather.mclaughlin)

File Explorer and Outlook stopped displaying previews properly. After reading several similar threads from 2018 I was able to bandaid the problem but I'm still incredibly irritated. How can i fix this so I dont create tons of tedious work or make other applications display ridiculously??

For Outlook - changing from "Optimized for best appearance" to "Optimized for Compatibility" corrected the issue of the pdf preview not appropriately filling the preview space. This optimization change made everything else tiny and unreadable. An hour of tweaking later I was able to increase font sizes in such a way that I could read my inbox again. (By the way, why in the heck are preset condition font options in numbers and user created conditional formats in "Small Normal Big Bigger" as the font options? OCD nightmare to make the inbox not look psychotic...)

For File Explorer - I tried changing default apps, tried deleting the registry sizer user file, restarts, safe mode, no success. I work on a laptop with two additional monitors. All are set to "recommended" display settings for resolution and scaling (1920x1080 / 100). Increasing from the 100% recommended scaling to 150% on either of the attached monitors fixes the file explorer display issue but of course makes everything needlessly huge.

My laptop screen has the same "recommended" res (1920x1080) but the recommended scaling is 150% and it displays perfectly, apps arent huge, pdf preview fills the area. So why do the other monitors on recommended settings display everything identically to my laptop screen with the exception of previewers??

For now I am working with one monitor scaled up for File Explorer but I would love to see this issue fixed in a more appropriate way please.

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