Windows Temp Files keep filling up with evtx files



This has been ongoing for a while now but I'm finally irritated enough by it to post. Every few weeks, our temp files folder gets filled up wit a bunch of .evtx files. I delete them (all 118k of them) and they come back as fast as I can delete them. It goes on for a few days and then stops for a while. All the names start with Microsoft-Windows- and then have names like the below, followed by a code which I think might be my Windows Key so I'm not going to publish it. AppReadiness_Admin_ AppXDeploymentServer_Operational StateRepository_Operational AppXPackaging_Operational AppReadiness_Operational SettingSync_Debug SettingSync_Operational Store_Operational WindowsUpdateClient_Operational System Application then there is a .txt file that has the following text. The Package full name is different on some of them Package full name = Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay_5.320.6242.0_neutral_~_8wekyb3d8bbwe AppXDeploymentServer version = 10.0.18362.959 Result code = 0x80073CF6 Component failure code = 0x87AF0001 ETW Event ID = 5092 Deployment Operation = 4294967294 Package Manager State = 21 OSIM state = 3 Failed component name = windows.visualElements IsEvtExportLogPresent =  I know enough about computers to be dangerous. HOW DO I STOP THIS???? Thank you

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