Speech is installed, despite being told it is not




Operating System version - Windows 10 Pro version 1903

Speech is installed, though not being registered by the speech recognition software

Stuck for what to do next

Long stuff===================================

I'm currently trying to develop an application that contains speech recognition, using Visual Studio 2019 with C# on .NET Framework 4.8. I am using the System.Speech.Recognition namespace from System.Speech. I tried using SpeechRecognitionEngine but it gave pretty inaccurate results (I have a Blue Snowball with speech cleaning, and people can understand me clearly over the internet, so I'm not using a potato here), or nothing when I increased the confidence threshold, and I read that SpeechRecognizer gave better results.

Before attempting this, I had done some speech training with the computer so that I had few problems when attempting this. That had worked perfectly, understanding what I said with only a few hiccups (To be expected after just starting usage on this device).

After some short research, I had set up the basics for running speech recognition in my application, but stumbled across an error:

"Speech recognition could not start because the language configuration is not supported"

Fair enough. Initially, I thought it might just be my program not setting up the voice recognizer correctly at first, and I tried to load the speech recognizer app (The same app that gets loaded whenever you start the SpeechRecognizer class) and it threw the same error. I went around, looking up this error message and looking about for the solutions. At a point, I found that all I had to do was go into languages, select my primary language and install speech options for it.

So I went to do that, and found that speech is already installed.


My language is English (United Kingdom), and I know that is one of the supported languages, so I could check that off the list (I did double check this, in case I was wrong)

I've looked around in the speech tab, saw the selected language is set to United Kingdom, so that wasn't the problem


So I was very confused. The voice training was also working, so it seemed to be something separate.

At this point, I'm pretty stuck. I looked at some old Windows 7 solutions, loading up Control Panel and going through the settings there to see if there was some kind of issue there, but all the issues I had found weren't apparent in my set up


(To clarify, the "Apply" button is enabled because I turned off "Review documents and mail to improve accuracy". Doing this has not affected the results, however)

I've looked around for the past hour or so, and have restarted my computer, without success. Does anybody know what might be going on, or where I could look to further solve the issue.

I don't have Cortana installed/enabled, if that would make any difference.

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