Error installing windows 10 64 bit on a pc with nothing on it. (Rebuilt pc)



So my pc broke cause something got spilled on the tower, i took it to some kid that knows a whole lot more about PCs than i do. He isnt an expert though, he just knows a lot more than i do. Nothing would turn on so he came to the conclusion that the power supply, hard drive, and solid state drive needed replaced so i did that and bought a windows 10 USB to get everything set up again. Everything powered on but when trying to boot it up withthe flash drive it just doesnt work, it takes me to an error screenim not home rightnow but i can update this post when i get home. It will install 32 bit though. I had 64 bit before it got messed up so i dont know what happened but i really need some help, i have no idea what im doing and i just want to play my games man, someone please help me. Spent $500 replacing what was broke and i dont want to feel like im just out of $500

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