I 've been trying to get an old computer of mine I used in high school up
and going for a local day service for Adult with develmental disablies. When
I boot it up it asks for a password which I never did set a password for it.
I asked other family members if they had made a password and no one seems to
remember. I've been doing research on the internet about it and I found your
webpage. Ive tryed hit cancel or the little x botton and it will remove the
login box and have it wallpaper but thats as far as it will go. However the
username it says it HP Authorized Customer. Isnt there a key I can push
during startup to get to a systems setup page?? If you can help me I would
really appericate it. Also if we can get this password thing fix it also pops
up an error Encmontr. It you could tell me what that is all about that be
really great. Thank you.
I 've been trying to get an old computer of mine I used in high school up
and going for a local day service for Adult with develmental disablies. When
I boot it up it asks for a password which I never did set a password for it.
I asked other family members if they had made a password and no one seems to
remember. I've been doing research on the internet about it and I found your
webpage. Ive tryed hit cancel or the little x botton and it will remove the
login box and have it wallpaper but thats as far as it will go. However the
username it says it HP Authorized Customer. Isnt there a key I can push
during startup to get to a systems setup page?? If you can help me I would
really appericate it. Also if we can get this password thing fix it also pops
up an error Encmontr. It you could tell me what that is all about that be
really great. Thank you.