Windows 10: "0X88982F52 There is too much metadata to be written to the bitmap"


Paul Seligman


There have been many posts about this problem here and elsewhere over several years - but it persists. It is a big and frustrating issue for those of us who spend a lot of time on photos. I don't know if there is a will to fix it or not, but assuming there might be, I will give the scenarios I can.

As you know, the error occurs when trying to give a rating, or add a tag, to a photo or video. In fact, in the current Windows 10, unfortunately you can't rate or tag videos at all, so that's all there is to say about videos; the rest mainly applies to photos which will be filetype .jpg.

The error will occur for that file whether the rating is applied in File Explorer directly, or via the Properties-Details pop up, or in other panels. There is no work round I can find - if you copy the file or resize it, the new file will have the same error. (You can take a screen snip and create a new image that can have properties changed but that loses so much quality). The photos can come from any make/model of digital camera, judged by people reporting for many phone manufacturers. I have experienced it recently with images originating from Samsung Galaxy S6 and S9+ among others.

The error only occurs to a minority of images from the same device even if taken at same time and same subject - though on a bad day it can reach 10% of files or more.

I usually go through all my images in Photo Gallery and the images may have been cropped, retitled and perhaps other adjustments made.

They may have been rated, apparently successfully, in Gallery, but when viewed in File Explorer the rating has gone. However, if reopened in Gallery, the rating is still there. (I'll add a screen shot at the end for the same file that gave the error I posted already, showing rating with Gallery but not in File Explorer. (I'll add a screen shot at the end for the same file that gave the error I posted already, showing rating with Gallery but not in File Explorer). Similarly, if the photo was never rated in Photo Gallery but gives an error in File Explorer, the rating can apparently be added in Gallery but does not show in File Explorer.

I think in the past I have tried restoring the original file from the phone, when still available, and it did not exhibit the same error so it does seem to be something happening in Win 10, possibly related to Photo Gallery or File Explorer. Because your more recent 'Photos' app does not support viewing or changing information like Rating and Tags, it cannot be used as an alternative to Photo Gallery to see if the error is similar when using that app.

File viewed in Gallery - note rating.


File viewed in File Explorer - rating gone and will give the error we started with if we try to add it.


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