Is there a way to get back the OLD Magnify without Narrator built in?



I just had to bite the bullet and update Windows after carefully breaking it a year and a half ago to never update. Fortunately for me, Open Shell still works with this new update so I don't have to deal with the abomination that is the Tile Menu. However, apparently they have integrated the narrator with the Magnifier? I guess thinking that everyone who might want ht text a little bigger some times must be totally blind and wants it narrated? The problem is, it is HORRIBLE? It loads super slowly compared to the old one, and jerks around. (Yes, I have turned off all the "center on mouse" options. It jerks when it first starts. I think it also tries to start at 400% rather than the 200% I have it set to and then goes back.

Is there any way to get back the old Magnifier only? I tried replacing Magnify.exe with the old one, but got "A referral was returned from the server." I sure would rather not have to use a third party one just because someone at MS decided that blind people would also want to magnify. And to be clear, I know the narrator doesn't actually talk since I turned it off. It is just that extra loading time is annoying. I don't keep the magnifier on all the time. Some pages have smaller font that others and it is just at the comfort limit of my eyes. So I sometimes have to turn them on, but I always turn it off when viewing pictures, videos, and just with some sites that use larger fonts. Some pages I am turning it off and on repeatedly with my mouse thumb button shortcut because I am going back and forth between small text and images. This is when it is really annoying to have to load so slowly, and jerk the page all around.

IS there way to get it back, or just totally separate the narrator from it? It would think that turning off narrator entirely in settings would have been Windows' first clue that I didn't want it.

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