Documents folder suddenly empty



Please excuse my bad English, but I desperately need help with this one.

On 8/19/2020 in the evening, my Documents folder is empty, no clues why this is happening.ea74b38e-6048-4815-8f4c-51906ffea629?upload=true.png

I searched online and there are only two problems I found so far.

1. The virus or for some reason, it hid my files, so I tried:

- Multiple recover app but didn't work, and you can also see the size on my disk is 0 bytes.

- Try using code, search for other links such as C: > Users > Documents, it's not there either.

- Try to find the specific folder, can't find it either.

- I checked Recycle Bin, there's nothing there but the old file that I remember deleting before.

2. Because of OneDrive, so I look into it:

- It doesn't show that my files have sync into OneDrive

- I did not touch or do anything to OneDrive, the last time I modify it ( as it shows on the folder ) is 8/15/2020, and I think this was around the time I just create my new OneDrive account, but then just leave it there, not sync or anything, and it was fine until 8/19/2020 in the evening when everything's gone.


My laptop is Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4700HQ CPU @ 2.40GHz with 8GB RAM.

I would appreciate any ideas that give me a chance to recover my files and will actively update and answer, please help.

If you need more information or picture, please ask. Thank you very much for taking your time.

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