Do I still have Virus?


Benedikt Sigl

I was a bit stupid in early August. I got help with HTML and CSS via AnyDesk (something like Teamviewer) via a public Teamspeak .. well, the guy opened the console extremely quickly and entered a command, he said he could now control my PC. Then the PC shut down and installed any updates (I didn't have any pending from Microsoft itself).

I then pulled the LAN cable and put a few pictures and music on a stick.

Then I created an installation stick for Windows 10 on my laptop (another PC) and then booted it on my PC, formatted the hard drives and deleted the partitions. Then, I reinstalled Windows.

(I wanted to do that anyway, because there was already so much on it)

I still have a queasy feeling somehow .. Just now, when I opened a console window in Visual Studio Code (a program for HTML, CSS, PHP), I was tabbed out of VSC and it closed again, which is now my strange thing Feeling somehow intensified ..

Do you think I still have a virus? Am I worrying too much? What was that console window?

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