Create EFS certificate with custom cipher options



Hi all.

I would like to create an EFS certificate for myself (self-signed) with the following properties:

signature algorithm and hash : at least SHA256 (preferably SHA512)

Public Key: RSA at least 4096 (preferably RSA-8192 if possible)

ECC Key size: 521

I would like to also export the file as .PFX

Generating an EFS certificate from the Certificates MSC console has issued me the following:

Signature : SHA1

Public KEY : RSA-2048

ECC Size: Is not displayed in the properties, but I think it generated the default size

I followed this tutorial on how to set it up:

However some settings, such as key size for RSA is grayed out and set to 2048.

Only ECC can be changed.


Is there a way I can generate a certificate with the above (bolded) properties locally?

Thank you !

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