Windows Media Player ripping



I'm ripping old personal audio CDs to store in my plugin external drive. First, I have to almost beg Windows Media Player to recognize there's a CD inserted. Secondly, at the end of a rip it says it cannot locate media information on the web for the CD (OF COURSE NOT, IT'S SOMETHING I CREATED) ... and suggests I manually add information. No matter what I do, I can't stop it from creating this miles-long file name with all kinds of junk I don't want it to say (genre, bit rate, time, unknown artist, unknown album, unknown etc etc) It does this for every single track. I have to go into my external drive and delete all the extraneous nonsense one track at a time, which doesn't make it fun to rip CDs.

SO, first part of question: Why doesn't Windows Media Player recognize when I've inserted a new CD in the tray?

Second part: How do I manually add (and hopefully discourage extra) info right before I rip the CD?

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