Custom windows 10 install freezes on MOBO screen



Hello everyone i am posting because I'm desperate and i feel I've tried everything. I built my new computer specs are below

MOBO: MSI MAG b550 Tomahawk
CPU: ryzen 5 3600
RAM: Corsair vengeance 2×8gb
HDD: 1tb seagate barracuda
CPU Cooler: ID cooling auraflow 240

My issue is with my windows 10 install. Everything boots up fine fans work and everything and I'm able to get to my bios. I created a windows 10 install on usb and begin my install to my 1tb hdd. I set my boot options to the usb first then the hdd second. Begin windows custom install, delete partitions on hdd for fresh install, click next not new, install begins and gets devices ready and computer restarts, after reboot the motherboard screen appears and windows circles at bottom of screen begin spinning for a bit then just stop. I am able to see mouse on screen when i move it but it stays frozen.
I have tried everything it seems to try and fix this. I've tried booting up with 1 ram stick, I've rest CMOS, updated bios, tried a different usb and a different harddrive for the installs, tried turning off system before it restarts, different sata and usb ports, unplugged all peripherals and internet. I have not tried taking everything a part but I've had this issue before and was able to fix but i cant remember how so i dont think taking everything apart will fix it. Please someone help!

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