Damaged/Corrupted files after dropping laptop



Hello everyone, apologies if this is potentially the wrong topic

I unfortunately dropped my laptop say 1 meter this morning. I booted my laptop back up as I was going to be using it and it started checking the c drive. It finished and everything seemed to be fine. Was able to log in, don't remember seeing any errors. I then tried to add an attachment to an email I was trying to send but couldn't see any file or folder names. I thought it was just that window acting up but I checked my normal folder and all the names of the files aren't appearing but it seems that they appear in the file directory at times.

It also seems that it's mostly Microsoft and Adobe files that I created that are affected? (I have some Arduino files and they seem to be ok) There doesn't seem to be too much rhyme or reason as to what got damaged and what didn't (don't seem to be specific folders or newest/older stuff, just completely random). Is there firstly a way to try and restore all these files? I have a fair few so it would be impossible for me to remember them all and which ones if damaged were important.

Secondly, the names not appearing/disappearing/no menu options. Do I just need to restart the computer? I haven't done so yet (Kinda scared to) Like I said, file names don't appear in the window but do when the file is loaded (and it still has some information about the file). Also on the window explorer, the names of folders disappear when I hover over then but reappear when I move away from that section of window. And also when I right on specific programs (windows explorer, task manager) that have no file names showing, I get the options menu with however many options you'd normally have but once again no text so it's a complete guessing game.

Thanks in advance for any help.


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